Sunday, January 2, 2011


InboxDollars is a spectacular site for making money using offers, paid surveys, paid emails, and daily tasks. 

The Good


ID has a lot of good offers to make some quick money, some for a lot of money and some for only cents. The thing is though that some offers require a credit card and/or purchase to get money, those are more of a refund thing. Still, you can get a good amount at least for the first check from these offers.

Paid Surveys

The best part of the site seems to be the three daily surveys that are $.50 each. That's easily $1.50 per day if you get them done.

Not counting offers, and only surveys at $1.50 for all three, you can theoretically get $45 a month just doing those.

Paid Emails

The great thing about the Paid Emails is that there are 2-3 per day as opposed to only one from FusionCash.

So if it's $.02 each and let's say 3 a day it's $.06, an extra $2 a month added to our $45

Daily Tasks

These, again, are a pain. But do a couple a day (usually $.40 each) and we get this:

$.80 x 30 = $24 so we up or $47 a month to over $70. not bad, not bad at all.


What I find most attractive about InboxDollars is the Gold Membership which is FREE after your first check.

This means that you can get weekly checks instead of waiting a whole month before your next check. Very very handy.

Let's not foget referrals, 10% of all of your referrals earnings

The toolbar is also very cool and unique. You can get money simply for searching in the toolbar.

The Bad

Unfortunately, the offers are really not that great, you can do a lot for the first check but after that new ones aren't added fast enough to really get you any money.

Overall Grade: B+

A great site that supplements other earnings, I use it in addition to FusionCash. Make about $80 a month if you follow this guide and qualify for the surveys. Not bad if you add the cash you can make from other sites!

Sign Up


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


FusionCash is a great site and one of the top-rated Paid-To sites in the cyber world. With up to 4-5 daily surveys, higher paying daily tasks, exclusive video offers, paid email, and other special features, this site is set apart from all others by a mile.

 The Good:

Awesome Surveys

FusionCash is loaded with goodies. Their daily surveys come from 5 different sites, with two being $1 each and the others all above $0.50. 

The average you can make from surveys per day is around $4.

Special Features

FC is the only site I know of so far that offers you money for watching videos, usually 2-3 per day for $.02 each.
So if we watch 2 a day and do our surveys, that's $4.04/day so far.


Offers are my least favorite part of these sites, however, there is some money to be had from them. FC is great because in the Special offers section (where the videos are located) there are more offers, and some of them can be completed daily (Find a quiz one, it should be worth $.60).

Let's say you do your $.60 quiz. $4.64/day

Daily Tasks

These are tedious and boring, but some are worth up to $.70, a higher payout than most other PT sites for daily tasks. 

We're up to, $5.30? yes.

Promotions and Referrals

There is currently a promotion (don't know how long it will last but everyone seems to love it) where you can get $3 per month just posting in the FusionCash forum. Very easy money and worth it. 

In terms of referrals, FC is also the best I've seen, here's there referral benefits:

"Our referral bonus system is very simple:
  • Refer a friend who confirms his/her email address: $1 bonus
  • Your friend completes his/her first offer: $2 bonus
  • Your friend cashes out: $5 bonus (each and every time they cashout - for life)"
I know I referred to this in the previous post, but let's say you get 2 people to sign up, complete an offer, and cashout per month. It's $16, or $8 per person.

Let's catch up with our math. 
$5.30/day so 5.3 x 30 = $159
$159 + $3 (forum posting) = $162
$162 + our refferals ($16) = $178

We're making $178 a month at this point.

The Bad:

Daily Emails

The daily emails, or should I really just say "email." Yeah, FC only offers one per day for $.02 which is about $.60. Oh well, it's money.


As far as I know, there is ALWAYS a month long waiting period to get your money. Other PT sites will have you wait a month for the FIRST check only, and then you can qualify for weekly checks afterwards. Again, I am NOT sure that FusionCash is the same way, however it DOES allow you to set up Direct Deposit which is very cool and faster than a check.


Although the surveys are a lot of money, it is sometimes hard to complete them because they are looking for specific demographic data and if you don't fit it you may not be able to complete a survey from that offer that day.

My Recommendation:
Don't make a habit of lying, but if you find yourself not fitting the demographic details and failing the survey requirements, fudge the books a little and say you have depression or you read this or that magazine even if you don't, it may set you up to take a survey and earn your money. So far, I have not found that this affects your cashout at all.

Overall Grade:

FusionCash has a few screws loose, but the money making machine is in full working condition. Sign up today, you won't regret it. Follow this guideline and you will find yourself in line to make a nice $150+ check at the end of the month!

Here's the link, make some cash.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What We're All About..

CyberWallet is here for you. We want you to succeed in making money while you creep on Facebook, chat it up on Skype, and make really embarrassing YouTube videos. (Links to the PT and PTC sites are at the end of this post).

Now wait, how do I make money online dude, isn't everything pretty much as scam to steal your identity nowadays?

The answer: It depends.

If you look in the right places and on the right websites, you can get paid to take legitimate surveys, click ads and visit websites, comment and promote websites, and even for subscribing to YouTube accounts.

And CyberWallet is here to give you the right websites.

I've heard these sites are okay, but I know it's hard to make a lot of money on them, right?

The answer: Wrong.

This is a misconception really, but again it depends on how you use the site. For instance, most PTC (Paid-to-click) or PT (Paid-to-?) sites give you small amounts of money for completing a survey (generally between 0.50 to $1.00 depending on the site). But, there are other offers on the site for you to really take advantage of. They include: paid emails, video offers, daily tasks, and referrals.
Paid Surveys:
Depending on which site, surveys will generally give you a minimum of $0.50 for completing them, however, there are at least 3 daily surveys on most PT sites. Which means:

3 x 0.50 x 30 = $45

Yep. $45/month if you complete at least 3 surveys a day, and that's just from one site.

Paid emails:

Certain PT sites will offer a daily Paid Email option where the site sends you 1-3 paid emails per day (depending on which site you use). These are worth a measly $.02 each, however if you add that all up it's not a bad amount for checking your email.

Ex. 3 emails a day for a month: 3 x $.02 x 30 = nearly $2

add that to our $45 and you've got $47 for doing barely anything but click.

Chump change though, right? Let's go deeper..

Video Offers*:

*this is only available for one PT site that I know of, link is at the end of this post along with other PT sites.

Video offers are similar to daily paid emails except you must go onto the site and find them. They are usually just comercials or maybe a YouTube video, either way click start and open a new tab if you don't want to watch and then boom, $.02 in your pocket. Again, this is a daily offer and there are sometimes several throughout the day.

For the sake of laziness let's say 3 videos a day

3 x .02 x 30 = (again) around $2

add that to our $47 we got $49 a month coming in.

easy pickings.

Now what?

Daily tasks:

By far the most annoying and tedious way to make from PT sites, but there is still money to be had. These require you to do various online tasks like perform web searches and record results a bunch of times or other online tasks similar to that. The payouts vary on these but some are worth up to $.70. I recommend these if you have a fair amount of time to kill.

let's say you do 2 of these a week at $.40 (average payout amount)

2 x 4 =8, 8 x $.40 = $3 (about)

add that to our, what was it? $49, that's $52 a month now, again from one site. Starting to see the big picture?


Referrals are the real kicker. The cherry on top if you will on this proverbial sundae. The average site offers something like this:
Refer a friend who confirms his/her email address: $1 bonus
Your friend completes his/her first offer: $2 bonus
Your friend cashes out: $5 bonus (each and every time they cashout - for life)
Wow. Think of the possibilities here.

Let's just say you get two people a month to join, complete an offer, and cash out.

2 x (1+2+5) = $16 or $8 person.

Our total: $69 a month

Not to mention the fact that if they keep using the site and cashing out, you get $5 every time they do so. Pure 100% free money.

now for now let's say you join, ehh, maybe 3 of these PT sites.

They each offer similar methods of earning money, so let's say you can earn at least $50 from each site per month

that's $150/month for being online doing random stuff.

The Facts:
  • These sites have a "Payment threshold" which means that you cannot receive a check or PayPal deposit without passing a certain amount. It is usually between $25 and $30 for PT sites.
  • Some other offers excluding the ones mentioned above can earn you money as well but some are free trials that will charge you monthly if you dont cancel them, so read what you're getting into before you do it.
  • The PT sites have a waiting period for how long it takes to get your money, if ever there was a catch for these sites this is it, but if you don't mind waiting, some sites offer weekly checks after you wait one month for your first check. I.e. if you request a check on December 20th, you won't get your money til January 20th
  • Some other survey sites are scams however, THE SITES LISTED ON THIS BLOG WILL NEVER, EVER, BE SCAMS BECAUSE I MYSELF USE THE SITES I PUT ON HERE. I don't like scams and I'm not going to get you scammed either, it's immoral.
Well, there you have it, PT sites in a nutshell. Want $150 a month? I do. That's why I am currently using these 4 PT sites, join and start earning. To show my commitment to helping those who access this blog, feel free to comment, I will reply. Also reach me by email at, put "Blog" in the subject headline. I will answer any questions I can.

Here are the links to the PT sites I use and verify that are 100% legitimate and free: